As a certified lactation counselor there are a lot of patterns I notice with new moms. First and foremost, there’s a strong desire to want to breastfeed their newborn. It seems most people agree and believe with the fact that ”breast is best.” Then, almost as strong as the desire to do so, there’s an equal amount of fear: but will I be ABLE to breastfeed? There’s a message in our country that while the desire to breastfeed is high, the odds that you ”won’t be able to” also seem high. At least that is our perception based on the statistics and the stories we hear.
Another thing I notice is that while most moms start out with determination, there is a perception that breastfeeding is all about saving just a few bucks. Ironically, I notice that most new parents do not want to invest in breastfeeding success (why should I pay to get help if breastfeeding is supposed to be a free way to feed my baby?), even though the reality is if breastfeeding isn’t successful, the price tag ends up being quite high. But the cost of formula becomes perceived as a necessary cost, while the cost to find good breastfeeding help seems optional, frivolous, and, after all, breastfeeding “probably won’t work anyway.” The estimate of a year’s worth of formula is between $1700-$2700.
While this cost seems high once you calculate it, there is so much more to it!
The benefits to both baby and mom continue well beyond the cost of purchasing formula.
There are real health benefits which need to be considered over the entire course of not only the mother’s life, but the baby’s as well! This is 50-60 years down the road!
It’s been said that breastfeeding is the first and most important act of health care. If the healthcare industry simply focused on increasing breastfeeding rates, the savings in our country would be phenomenal! Not to mention the decreased rates of cancer, heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. It’s crazy to think about, but if health insurance companies paid a small amount to support new breastfeeding moms, they would save billions of dollars on chronic health conditions.
When you are new parents, the costs of having a baby seem high. There’s the hospital bills, the baby gear, the clothes, the diapers. Many new parents feel that by the time baby comes, they are on a limited budget. Often to the point that investing in seeking out good breastfeeding help is too expensive. The reality is, for a few hundred dollars at most, most breastfeeding issues can be resolved in a matter of days, or a few visits from a CLC.
This is where the concept of a gift of breastfeeding support comes in. So many new grandparents, relatives and friends are at a loss of what to give and are also at a loss with wanting to buy new parents something meaningful and useful. The gift of breastfeeding class coupled with unlimited support for the tender first 6 weeks of life will make all the difference in the world! Not only can you help your favorite new mom achieve one of her first goals of motherhood but you are investing in both mama and baby health for their entire lifetimes!
It truly is a gift that keeps on giving.
(Worried about not wanting to be that pushy mother-in-law? Here are a few tips!)
Find out if this mama to be intends on breastfeeding first!
Let the new parent’s know you’d like to gift them with this!
Once purchased, like any gift you give, the choice to use it remains strictly up to the new parents! This way, they are still making the choices that are best for them.
(While it may seem disheartening if the gift ends up going unused, consider that any thing else you may have purchased instead could end up the same! Any revenue I receive that goes unused goes toward funding parents who may need help and don’t have the resources.)
Breastfeeding support from the right person is an investment in the health of both the mom and the baby. This investment lasts a lifetime!
Check out my website to learn what plan might be the perfect gift for your special new parents!